NEW BUS SERVICE. 08:10 Tuam to Galway City Centre and UCG.

NEW BUS SERVICE. 08:10 Tuam to Galway City Centre and UCG.

YAC Young Adult Card - Student Leap Card Information

What you need to know...

From Monday 27th March, we offer 50% discount to Young Adult/Student Leap Card Holders on all services. This scheme is only available when booked online. YAC students can avail of reduced fares on Single, Day Return and 10 trip tickets.

Please note: If you purchase a Young Adult/Student Leap Card ticket online without a valid YAC - Young Adult Leap Card to present to the driver, you will be charged an excess fare. **Physical card must be shown to the driver.

To get your Young Adult/Student Leap Card, click here to go to the TFI website and follow the instructions. 

Established in 1964

Shortlisted Commuter Service

Irish Owned & Operated

Environment Award Winners

Contact Us
Galway, Ireland
(093) 55416
Contact Us
Galway, Ireland
(093) 55416